Wednesday, November 10, 2010

live the life that makes you smile :)

"there is no such thing as a stupid question except the question not asked"
image from google images

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

when life gives you lemons, make lemonade :)

Junior year of high school I started to get really sick.  I was out of school for about a month and had to get tutors and be homeschooled.  The doctors did not know what was wrong.  I was getting migraines for 15 days straight.  I was tested for all types of things- Mono, Lyme Disease, and even MS.  The doctors finally decided that I was suffering from severe migraine headaches.  I have been placed on daily medications to try and control the migraines.  In addition to getting the throbbing pain in the head, I get what they call an aura.  I lose my speech, half my body goes numb, and often times can’t move out of bed. 

It wasn’t until I started getting sick that I realized how much of an influence a simple illness has on your life.  I lost a lot of friends because they didn’t understand how a “headache” could really cause me so much pain.  A lot of times my teachers wouldn’t understand when I would explain to them why I had to miss class.

I started to look at life differently.  I think it is important to always push through your hard times.  I feel that I have learned so much about myself.  Life could be so much worse.  Be grateful for what you have.  Most importantly, don’t put others down.  Instead of watching them suffer and doubting them, help them get through it.  I can promise you that in the end, you will feel really good about yourself.  Live the life you love, love the life you live!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Homecoming Week!

Here are upcoming events for HOMECOMING 2010; Southern State of Mind

Tuesday October 12: 
  • Sleep-Out for the Homeless (West Campus Quad) 7:30pm-7:30am

Wednesday October 13: 
  • Dance Party (Student Center Ballroom) 9pm-1am

Thursday October 14:
  •  Pep Rally (Moore Field House) 7pm

Saturday October 16: 
  • 2010 Robert Corda Annual I 5K Road Race (Southern Connecticut State University) 8am
  • New York City Breakfast (Connecticut Hall) 8am-10am 
  • Homecoming Parade (Around Campus) 10:15am
  • Homecoming Student/Family Tent (Jess Dow Field) 12pm-Third Quarter
  • Southern Owls Football vs. Bentley College (Jess Dow Field) 1pm
  • Homecoming Comedy Show- Tony Rock (Lyman Center) 8pm
For more information about the upcoming events check out Homecoming 2010; Southern State of Mind

Saturday, September 18, 2010

"There is no Challenge more challenging than the challenge to improve yourself" -Michael Staley

Lets just say this past week I have run into most of my challenges here at Southern.

I met one of my best friends, Jayme, my first semester at Southern.  We basically spent all of our time together.  Jayme was a year older than me so she was always a step ahead of me in classes.  That didn’t affect our friendship since we were both in college.  Jayme graduated from Southern in May.  She extended her internship until the beginning of September and we were able to spend one last summer together.  Last weekend Jayme moved back home to New Jersey.  It is time for her to start her new chapter in life.  Knowing that when I get home from work or class Jayme isn’t going to be there is a weird feeling.  When you have a routine with someone, it is challenging to change it.  What I am dealing with now is similar to what the students in my INQ class are going through.  It is difficult to grow up with the same group of friends for so long and then leave them when you move away to college.  As challenging as it is, I think it is experiences like these that make your friendships stronger.

Jayme and I at a banquet this past May

I am really involved in a lot on campus.  I am president of a sorority, treasurer of the Greek Life Council, a peer mentor, and commuter connector.  I also work on campus in addition to taking 12 credits.  Most people would say I do way too much.  I love everything I do and do not think that I could cut something out.  My days are extremely long.  Monday-Thursday I am on campus by 8:30am until at least 9:30pm.  I commute to Southern so when I leave the house in the morning, I have to make sure I have everything on me.  I am usually really good with time management.  I use my planner and color coordinate everything.  This past semester has been challenging getting use to my schedule.  I need to figure out different ways to distress myself with everything that is going on in my life.  I have to make sure that I take time for myself.  One thing that I have tried doing was taking walks around campus during my breaks.

Another challenge I faced is my course load.  I am taking a philosophy course as a “W-Course.”  I need to dedicate more time to this class compared to other courses I have taken.  My Earth Science class is difficult as well.  I haven’t taken an earth science class since high school.  I use to enjoy those types of classes.  It is going to take me a little bit of time to get use to all of the terms and concepts again.  I wish I didn’t wait so long to take this course.  Classifying minerals seems so difficult.  My friend told me last week that I have to stop saying that I can’t do it.  Instead I have to think positively and say I will do my best.  Trying to change the way I say something will have a big affect on how I view assignments and projects.

It doesn’t matter how long or how comfortable you are at something.  In life you are always going to face some type of challenge.  Instead of giving up right away, try pushing through.  Every obstacle you face in life will help you somewhere down the road.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Tuesday September 14: ProCon Presents Toy Story 3 at 7pm in the Student Center Theater
Wednesday, September 15: New Student Convocation at 1pm in the Lyman Center
                                            Student Club and Involvement Fair 2-5pm in the Academic Quad
                                            Outcast United Author Warren St. John at 7pm in Lyman Center
Friday September 17: We The Kings Concert at 7:30 in Lyman Center
Sunday, September 19: Men's Rugby Tailgate at 1pm at the Rugby Field
Wednesday, September 22: Southern on the Move Walk at 12:30-1pm
Thursday, September 23: Televised Football Game (I will find out the exact times for you!)

October 16: Homecoming Parade/Game (Parents Day!)

Here are some dates for you.  I will keep you updated and add more when I hear about them.  If you are playing any sports please post your games! Maybe we can try and get a group together to go to them!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Sky is the Limit

My Vision Board

"Don't bunt. Aim out of the ballpark."
David Ogilvy