Saturday, September 18, 2010

"There is no Challenge more challenging than the challenge to improve yourself" -Michael Staley

Lets just say this past week I have run into most of my challenges here at Southern.

I met one of my best friends, Jayme, my first semester at Southern.  We basically spent all of our time together.  Jayme was a year older than me so she was always a step ahead of me in classes.  That didn’t affect our friendship since we were both in college.  Jayme graduated from Southern in May.  She extended her internship until the beginning of September and we were able to spend one last summer together.  Last weekend Jayme moved back home to New Jersey.  It is time for her to start her new chapter in life.  Knowing that when I get home from work or class Jayme isn’t going to be there is a weird feeling.  When you have a routine with someone, it is challenging to change it.  What I am dealing with now is similar to what the students in my INQ class are going through.  It is difficult to grow up with the same group of friends for so long and then leave them when you move away to college.  As challenging as it is, I think it is experiences like these that make your friendships stronger.

Jayme and I at a banquet this past May

I am really involved in a lot on campus.  I am president of a sorority, treasurer of the Greek Life Council, a peer mentor, and commuter connector.  I also work on campus in addition to taking 12 credits.  Most people would say I do way too much.  I love everything I do and do not think that I could cut something out.  My days are extremely long.  Monday-Thursday I am on campus by 8:30am until at least 9:30pm.  I commute to Southern so when I leave the house in the morning, I have to make sure I have everything on me.  I am usually really good with time management.  I use my planner and color coordinate everything.  This past semester has been challenging getting use to my schedule.  I need to figure out different ways to distress myself with everything that is going on in my life.  I have to make sure that I take time for myself.  One thing that I have tried doing was taking walks around campus during my breaks.

Another challenge I faced is my course load.  I am taking a philosophy course as a “W-Course.”  I need to dedicate more time to this class compared to other courses I have taken.  My Earth Science class is difficult as well.  I haven’t taken an earth science class since high school.  I use to enjoy those types of classes.  It is going to take me a little bit of time to get use to all of the terms and concepts again.  I wish I didn’t wait so long to take this course.  Classifying minerals seems so difficult.  My friend told me last week that I have to stop saying that I can’t do it.  Instead I have to think positively and say I will do my best.  Trying to change the way I say something will have a big affect on how I view assignments and projects.

It doesn’t matter how long or how comfortable you are at something.  In life you are always going to face some type of challenge.  Instead of giving up right away, try pushing through.  Every obstacle you face in life will help you somewhere down the road.

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